View Your Workout With Sweat Activated Technology

A soaked shirt at the end of a workout is a good sign that you put in the miles, went the distance, played really hard or just otherwise really sweated the small and big stuff. With the ViewSPORT line of t-shirts users not only see a soaked shirt, but also can get motivated by working just hard enough to have the shirt (almost magically) provide an inspiration message.

 The technology behind the ViewSPORT shirts is the brainchild of chemist Ben Wood and Joe Yacano, who created a special process for their Sweat Activated Technology. The apparel that offers a variety of slogans, such as one that says, “I Am” and after a bit of time pumping iron or running it reveals, “the Competition.” Think of this as a personal way to manage your workout routine by merely looking in the mirror, and the result is what the makers call a visible measure of a wearer’s “sweat equity.” Continue reading View Your Workout With Sweat Activated Technology