Ride in the Sky

SkyCycleThe roads of London can be dangerous for cycling, but the designers have Foster + Partners have a solution: ride in the sky! Instead of building new roads for cars, the firm along with Space Syntax has looked to develop the SkyCycle, which could follow existing suburban railway corridors and provide bicycle only roads to ride throughout London. By following the rail network this could provide more than 220 kilometers of car-free cycle route, which could be accessed via more than 200 entrance points. Each route could accommodate 12,000 cyclists per hour and improve journey times by as much as 29 minutes.

Foster + Partners: SkyCycle, proposals to create safe new cycle routes throughout London

New York Cyclist Responds to Ticket for “Not Riding in Bike Lane”

As a former resident of New York City for 18 years I relate to filmmaker Casey Neistat, 29, who was ticketed for not riding his bicycle in the bike lane. We feel his pain.

I for one can add that in Harlem, the Police actually parked their cars in the bike lane by the local precinct, claiming there was no other nearby parking. So thank you Casey for making your film that shows how almost useless the NYC bike lanes can be.

Photos of the Harlem bike lanes after the jump.

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London Opens Blue Bike Superhighways

If you’ve ever visited London you know that the Brits like to paint clear directions on their streets – as in “Look Right” for those who are about to cross the road. No doubt that is done because they drive on the opposite/wrong side of the street (depending on your perspective), and it probably wouldn’t be good to have the black taxicabs run down American tourists. But this summer London has introduced another type of painted marker – and this one is a lot more than just merely “look” plastered on the ground. London now has cycle superhighways, with the first two being opened this year, and to keep riders safe the routes are marked out in bright blue paint.

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