eSport Clip Offers Affordable Media Player

It used to be that media players were so expensive that you’d never want to actually use them while working out. But like everything else the technology gets faster, smaller and best of all for the end user cheaper. How low does it go? We recently heard about the eSport Clip MP3/Video player from Ematic, which offers a 1.8-inch screen so it can be used to watch video clips or even read e-books and text files. And it is just $29.00.

So for under $30 you have a 5megapixel digital camera as well, and the device includes a 4GB flash drive for 2300 songs, or 20 hours of videos. It is easy to sync up with the USB 2.0 connection. It probably isn’t the most durable device but at this price are you really going to worry?

Ematic Official Website