Goggle Search

If you are considering a goggle search – even if that search is on Google – look no further than the Aqua Sphere K180 Swimming Goggles. These offer 180-degree panoramic vision with a water-tight fit. There is a 100 percent Softeril gasket that provides comfort along with a leak-resistant seal. These goggles offer three interchangeable nose bridges and an adjustable headstrap. The goggle search may be complete.

Aqua Sphere K170 Swimming Goggles Official Website

SIA: Magnets Make Goggle Lenses easily Swappable

Ski goggles aren’t what they used to be, they’re better. Several models have interchangeable lenses so you can swap them to suit the conditions on the slopes, but those interchangeable can be difficult to handle. Burton introduced a new pair of Anon ski goggles, which will be available in fall 2012, that use magnets to secure lenses and allow for an easy swap.

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