Outdoor Retailer Show: Running Through the Snow

VibramVibram has made a name for itself in the minimalist shoe market, and at this week’s Outdoor Retailer Show it proved that barefoot-style running can be a year around thing. The company introduced the toe-segmented Bikila EVO WP, which is made for running through snow and on icy surfaces. It features a special rubber compound on the soles to provide a “snow tire” type of grip. The shoes won’t be ready for this brutal winter however.

Vibram FiveFingers Official Website

Outdoor Retail Show Preview: Vintage Looking Glasses

These retro looking glasses will no doubt appeal to the steampunk crowd but Julbo special edition Vermont Mythics are actually modeled after vintage high-alpine optics and feature leather-shields to help block out intense light in high altitudes. The result is one high altitude pair of glasses with high attitude!

Julbo Official Website

Outdoor Retail Show: Minimus Hi-Rez Shoes Promise Big Step Forward for Running

The minimal running shoe concept continues to take foot, and at the recent Outdoor Retail Show New Balance offered a look at its Minimus Hi-Rez, a running shoe that weighs just 4.3-ounces yet provides a reasonable amount of cushion and protection for the wearer.

The secret is the hexagon rubber pods on the sole. 42 of these unconnected nubs, which are mounted on the soft foot bed, provide cushion for those who want to go minimal but not quite barefoot. The sole is flexible and each pod moves independently as the wearer walks or funs, but still provides that moderate protection.

The shows will be available later this summer.