Wiley X Active in Black

P-17Wiley X knows a thing or two about Black Ops, and its collection of sun glasses now includes the Active Series P-17. This has been one of the company’s most enduring and popular sunglass models for law enforcement, shooting enthusiasts and other tactical wearers.

Wiley X P-17 combines a Matte Black frame with Smoke Grey lenses, for a look that’s professional, stealthy and understated. The Black Ops P-17 looks good while meeting the stringent ANSI Z87.1 High Velocity and High Mass Impact Safety standards, providing OSHA-grade protection for all wearers and a wide range of activities. These even provide wraparound-style coverage with clear peripheral vision and full protection against harmful UV rays and can help eliminate distracting eyestrain and keep tactical wearers focused on the situation around them.

Wiley X Official Website

Protects From Sun and Sharks

Shark-RepllentBoatsToGo.com has just released a new line of protective beach clothing that is designed to provide “significant UV protection” and will help keep the wearer cooler in the hot sun. In addition this revolutionary line of clothing can help reduce the chances of be attacked by sharks – and by that we assume they mean the variety that swims in the ocean to that John Williams “dun dun” music and not the kind that play poker in a seaside bar.

As for the sun the clothing offers protection of up to 50SPF while the Shark Repellent Rash Guard features a visual design that was modeled after the color scheme of the highly venomous Lion Fish, which is not something sharks are interested in eating. According to the makers this significantly reduces the risk of the wearer being the victim of a shark attack in instances where the shark mistakes them for one of its prey. Continue reading Protects From Sun and Sharks

Rudy Project Sunglasses Add Bling and Sleek Design Elements

While bling isn’t a feature we look for in performance wear, sometimes it helps give us inspiration. Rudy Project just unveiled its limited edition “The Will To Win” Diamonds Artist Series sunglasses, which is available on select products with Rudy Project. It’s a series of glasses in the company’s line taken up a notch with Swarovski crystals. Continue reading Rudy Project Sunglasses Add Bling and Sleek Design Elements

Stylish Shades That Protect the Eyes Too

In addition to serving a purpose, which is to keep the sun out of the eyes, sunglasses are often required to look good in the process. Electric Visual accomplished the later with its new Knoxville line, and in the process actually provided a line of glasses that will block 100 percent of UV rays as well.

The glasses feature Electric’s mineral polarized lenses that utilize pure optical glass that provides visual clarity along with color brilliance and contrast. Thus the lenses are good in the sun and because of the polarized makeup, which features two glass wafers and film won’t distort image, making for improved sharpness of vision for the wearer. The design also makes these among the lightest glass polarized lenses available, and as noted they offer 100 percent UV protection. Continue reading Stylish Shades That Protect the Eyes Too